Weekly News - 4/9/23 🐰

This newsletter will cover Samsung leaking trade secrets, Tesla employees sharing invasive videos, the Bitcoin white paper in macOS, and more.

Weekly News - 4/9/23 🐰
Image Generated by DALL-E Using Prompt: A photo of a frog skateboarding in Las Vegas

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Meta Shares Code to AI That Can "Cut Out" Any Object Within an Image

On Wednesday, Meta announced an AI called Segment Anything Model (SAM) that can mask out any object from an image. This technology isn't new, however, this is noteworthy because it can mask objects it has never seen before. Meta says that an accurate segmentation model "requires highly specialized work by technical experts with access to AI training infrastructure and large volumes of carefully annotated in-domain data," whereas SAM aims to "democratize" this process. And the best part is that is open-source! Meta has a free demo where you can try this, even with your own images. I recommend trying it out!

New AI model can “cut out” any object within an image—and Meta is sharing the code
Meta’s “Segment Anything” uses AI to isolate objects on command.